Democrat Rep. Noel Frame Officially Kicks Off Campaign for 36th Senate Seat


SEATTLE – Representative Noel Frame officially launched her campaign today for State Senate in the 36th Legislative District, where she has represented her constituents since 2016. Frame launches with the endorsement of hundreds of community members and elected officials, including fellow legislators Sen. Joe Nguyen (D-34), Rep. Nicole Macri (D-43), Rep. Liz Berry (D-36), and retired State Representatives for the 36th District, Gael Tarleton, Mary Lou Dickerson and Seth Armstrong.

As Chair of the House Finance Committee and Co-Chair of the bipartisan Tax Structure Work Group, Rep. Frame has championed substantial progress toward tax reform. “I am proud to have passed the Capital Gains Tax and will continue the fight for the Washington State Wealth Tax. Our state’s tax system is the most regressive in the country, and we cannot continue to fund our most vital programs on the backs of working people, while the wealthiest among us fail to pay their fair share,” said Frame. “We must rebalance our tax code if we want to achieve tax fairness for working families and small businesses.” 

Rep. Frame has also advocated for working families, vulnerable youth involved in the foster care and juvenile criminal legal systems, and for individuals with developmental disabilities and behavioral health challenges. In the 2022 legislative session, she was the prime sponsor of the End Diaper Need Act, subsidizing diaper costs for families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Washington became only the second state in the country to recognize the financial burden of diaper need on low-income families with the passage of SB 5838. Rep. Frame has also sponsored successful legislation to provide a right to legal counsel to children in foster care, end the use of detention for youth as an alternative for non-criminal offenses, and end sub-minimum wage for workers with disabilities.

Rep. Frame has dedicated her legislative tenure to partnering with communities most impacted by structural inequities to define the policy solutions that will strengthen our diverse communities.

“I am thankful for the work that Noel has done with our community, as well as her candor and spirit of remaining grounded to the needs and experiences of the people most impacted by disparity issues in our community,” said equity advocate and 36th district resident ChrisTiana ObeySumner. “I know that the excellence and transformative change that Noel collaboratively led as a House Representative will continue and grow in the Senate.”

A multiple award-winning legislator, Rep. Frame was recently given the Legislative Economic Development Champion Award by the Washington Economic Development Association and Ace Award from The Mockingbird Society. She was named the Legislator of the Year by the National Alliance on Mental Illness and Allies in Advocacy, and named a Hero of the Legislature by The Urbanist.

Rep. Frame kicked off her campaign with $23,428 on hand (Senate & House accounts), and announced her campaign launch event to be held May 5th at Reuben’s Brews in Ballard.


Read original Press Release


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