A bill that would allow the use of home kitchens to prepare food for sale advances to Washington state Senate

Seattle Times


Prashanthi Reddy is passionate about home-style Indian food. The kind she grew up eating at her mom’s house and with relatives. A New Jersey native, Reddy owns the coffee shop Makeda and Mingus in Greenwood. The shop does not have a kitchen, but Reddy cooks a lot at home and has been sharing the food of her family with her community in myriad ways; through Airbnb experiences and online cooking classes. What she would really like to do is cook food for people and sell it to them. Yet, with rent, permits staffing and food costs to consider, the barriers to entry are high for budding restaurateurs.

But a bill is moving through the state channels of government that, if passed, could allow people like Reddy to sell meals made out of their home kitchens.

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